I suppose that the pun is unforgivable but some things have an unopposable force to them. I just couldn't face FSR for a few days and rummaged through my latest mailing from home to myself, and there was my Michelin Man file, so what-the-heck? This small pile of cases is just big enough to be intriguing [rather than tossed to the side as idiosyncratic random imagery]. But, fair warning, I have never been able to get any handle on its interpretation. Why would someone report a UFOnaut looking like the Michelin Man made out of white tires? And worse, why would several people do so? The Michelin Man himself had already had a long and somewhat affectionate history in France dating back to the late 1800s. The statue above is of that early era. Known as "Bibendum" ["drinker" of nails, glass, and other tire-rending road debris], he was a friendly folk character in French culture for decades. Then, once UFOs came along, he began to shuffle right out of them and into a different folklore. A weird feature [to me] of the whacky world of UFOlogy, I can only collect my little pile of cases and leave it to you folks to explain it to me. So, here goes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The earliest date claimed [in my set] for a Bibendum showing is 1950. This report is of a young girl and her father in Vaux-en-Dieulet, France, which was not made public until 1980. The object was a transparent disk within which was a small being looking like Bibendum. It had a round helmet with tubes and air[?] tanks attached. The girl felt paralyzed.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date two is 1954 from Mauberge or Auberge, France. A husband and wife were driving when they encountered a "fat shell" sitting in the road. Getting out of it was a 4-foot tall Bibendum. The couple just raced by. I have not been able to determine when this case was actually reported.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date three is 1955 from Dinan, France. Here a single witness on foot outside his home was paralyzed by two Bibenda exiting a large domed disk near his courtyard. They wore boxes on their chests and walked awkwardly. This case seems to have been reported in 1970. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date four is 1960 from Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. The Bibenda here are the ones represented by the drawing that accompanies this section. Here a motorcyclist saw two beings near the road ahead, one very tall [between 6 and 7 feet] and one nearer normal size. They were colored red and walked as if injured. No craft was seen. This case was reported in 1980. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date five is 1962 or 1963. It was not reported until 2009. Here in Newbury, Berkshire, UK a single witness saw a very tall Bibendum walking up the slope of a nearby road. No craft was seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date six is 1967. Here a couple was driving to Pierre Buffiere, France, when they saw a 3 foot tall Bibendum standing by the roadside. It waved at them and floated away. No craft was seen. I have not been able to find when this was reported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Date seven is 1968. I would not be surprised if this is not the actual first reported Bibendum case [reported the same year]. The drawing accompanying this section is from the witness. On La Plaine des Cafres, Isle de Reunion, The witness saw a disk or egg-shaped craft with pedestal like formations on bottom and top, parked in his field. Within the large transparent bay window were two Bibenda about 3 1/2 feet tall. This case was reported to the gendarmerie immediately [which gives it a lot more standing in my eyes]. The site was not inspected until several days later, and showed an increase in radioactivity signature at that time [but mild]. In search of theories about this group of cases one should consider the possibility that this IS the original case, and some of the others are imitative contaminants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date eight is 1972, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This case was also reported within a short period of time to the witness' credit. The event was preceded by a failure in his transistor radio. A brightly lit object hung humming overhead. It was a domed disk. In the dome were two windows wherein showed the occupants. Two Bibenda of undeterminable size were at the controls. They had helmets and tubes going into a box on their backs. The description was quite elaborate and gives me pause as it was sent by the case investigator directly to Hynek to send on to the National Inquirer's board of UFO cases to see if it could win a best case award. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date nine is 1974, Saint Nizier en Moucherville, France. Once again, I have no way of knowing when the case actually was reported. This case is a teaser as the only brief description that I have says that three independent motorists were involved. The tease says that they saw a small Bibendum standing beside the road, who went up to one motorist and knocked on her window and ran into the bushes. No craft was seen.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date ten is 1975 and back to Reunion Island. This case was also reported right after it happened. And it was reported to the gendarmerie. Here a 20 year old male was jogging home when he encountered a round disk-like craft with a top dome. It appeared metallic. Just earlier, but some distance away, he had begun to hear "beeps" in his ears, which grew increasingly loud just before seeing the object. He felt forced to stop and a great heat enveloped him. He felt as if he were paralyzed. Then he saw the craft and from it, descending on a short set of steps, was a 3 foot tall Bibendum. It was followed by a second and a third. They had antennas on their heads and walked awkwardly. Through a porthole in the device was seen a fourth being in a helmet. The man was thrown to the ground with a flash of light and the beings hurriedly re-entered their vehicle and departed. He lay on the ground for a while and then struggled to his parents home where the story was told. His parents and the police verified the state that he was in even a couple of days later. Again the case is single witness but a bit better than usual. The alternative hypothesis would be a mental breakdown with imagery fueled by knowing of the Reunion case years previously.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date eleven is 1976, Liria, Spain. In this incident a couple was driving between Liria and Olocau when they approached a something-or-other standing by the roadside. It was of average height and seemed more of a silhouette than a normal entity. Its "suit" was dark, not white, but otherwise having the rolled layers of a Bibendum. It had two lights mounted on either side of the top of its head. No face could be ascertained. It did not walk about, but bobbled a bit, floating in the air. As they drove by, the couple's car's lighting system dimmed. They reported seeing a bright oval light source a few hundred yards earlier off the road, which some would count as connecting the case to a seen UFO.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date twelve is also 1976 and from Western Kansas. This thing is very different in a lot of ways. It is a US case, and it happens to have a huge case file. It was published in CUFOS' IUR [volume 1, #2, November 1976], and must have made Allen Hynek both very intrigued and very nervous. In the incident a young couple was driving in a rural area when they saw a group of three flying disks, then a group of four, and then one which came much lower. Betty and Barney Hill-like, they then found themselves driving 90 miles further down the road with no intervening memories. Hypnosis was used with each of the couple separately, and it was claimed that testimonies matched even in detail. Three Bibenda [about 5 1/2 foot tall] were seen on the craft during an abduction-type experience. [The illustration for this section is the witness drawing]. Later they found "needle-marks" on their bodies along with scratches and a rash. The couple think that they became "telepathically-sensitive" after this experience. Well, we're either "All-The-Way-Fool" or "out Proctor" on this one, and each of us will decide. We are extremely dependent on the quality of the case researcher on this and I have no insight on that. The researcher, Richard Sigismonde, apparently wowed Hynek with this as Hynek began speaking of the case immediately in talks he was giving at the time. Knowing Hynek's predilection for undervaluing the ETH to the advantage of the paranormal, one suspects that he thought that our Bibenda were of the "parallel psychic reality" kind. So, for Allen, perhaps the "Tired Ghosts" they were..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date thirteen might not be a legitimate Bibendum. It is 1977, Tucson, Arizona, and a favorite case of mine. I never thought of it as a Michelin Man until I saw someone referring to it so. [Drawing at the left]. Here we have a very good pair of witnesses and a very high strangeness miniature floating capsule craft containing a smallish chubby being in an overinflated suit and helmet. Folks can find whether they are "splitters" or "lumpers" as to whether they think that this belongs in the Bibendum pile. Love the case; don't believe it's Bibendum. The picture of the middle-aged woman walking beneath the object trying to reach up and touch it, is charmingly vivid in my mind.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date fourteen is 1979, Schoonaarde, Belgium. Again, I have no information on when it was reported, though now that we're beyond the "image-maker" cases that isn't of great importance anymore. Here two youngish boys [10 and 13], saw a domed disk land in a field, and from it came two Bibenda. They puttered about the grounds, re-entered and took off.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To the left is a crude table about the case pile. I find it difficult to see a dominant pattern. The large majority of incidents are from French-speaking areas, natural [?] for a French iconic figure. Almost all the entities are "small" in the 3 to 4 1/2 foot range. In three of the four cases where the Bibenda were said to be average to tall, no craft was seen. Only Goodland [Western Kansas] is "off" as to that. Almost all Bibenda prefer a disk saucer usually with a dome. The case which I guess to be foundational [Plaine des Cafres] adds spectacular pedestals to its structure but is still a disk. One must wonder, I believe, if no Bibendum case really existed until Plaine des Cafres was widely published [in
Luminieres Dans La Nuit, and then
FSR]. The bottom line on this for me is indistinct but must include the feeling that the description of a UFO entity wearing rolls of white puffy layers as clothing is weird indeed, and if any of the non-French cases are "imagery-unpolluted" by them, that would make a strong argument for some kind of objective reality to those cases. But the cases pile is too much of a mess for me to be able to make any judgement on "imagery independence", and so I'll remain in my ignorance as to whether this is a solid UFO-related phenomenon or not.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bibendum was a happy sort of chap, maybe a good candidate for a mischievous elf. He was also, by name, a heavy drinker. But I don't believe that you can get too intoxicated drinking glass shards or rusty nails---wait a minute---"rusty nails?" John Keel, are you still out there?