Sunday, December 6, 2009

Just a notice of return

Just back from West Virginia and exhausted. I will try to gear up the blog with an entry tomorrow on the Grave Creek Mound and an even more amazing "proof" that European blunderers occasionally drifted over here from across the pond pre-Columbus [in this case WAY pre-Columbus]. I've done another study on Ouija which I'll share sometime, and I have been reading an 1850 copy of an wonderful book by Catherine Crowe [The Nightside of Nature] which is one of the best on the spiritworld manifestations, done brilliantly long ago--much to describe and praise there. My exhaustion is partly due to the terrible experience of seeing my 93-year-old mother collapsed and unmoving on the kitchen floor the evening before I was scheduled to return. She, in some senses of this word, is "alright", the fall was blessedly lucky and "soft". But it was about the worst moment of my life and even for a nerve-dead male like myself, it was ...well, there aren't really words. For those of you who don't mind the concept of prayer and "sending good spiritual support", please remember my Mom [Evelyne] when you can. Tonight is a bit too soon for me to get back on the horse, but I will do an entry tomorrow and try to use these two weeks before I go back to be with her for another two, well.


  1. What a disturbing end to your visit! This is the sort of worrisome "fragility" incident that causes one to begin to mourn an elderly parent somewhat before it's time for them to leave us. I'll remember Evelyne in my prayers, and you.

  2. GOD bless you. Her faith and mine says that this always helps on the spiritual level, whether it does on the physical or not. Thank you.
