Friday, August 10, 2012

Cosmic Chaos, part one, Addendum.

Hah!!! Wouldn't you know it?! A good friend read the blog entry, and [as often happens with him] thought of a picture that he hadn't "visited" in a long time. It is a painting by the artist Trouvelot of an 1868 meteor shower in Medford, Massachusetts. By buddy, Barry Greenwood, one of the best colleagues that you could have in the UFO research business, and a member of the History Group team which wrote the book, not only dredged out the picture from his files, but figured out just where Trouvelot stood looking at it. It is in the direction, perfectly appropriately, of Barry's current home. Now THAT's synchronicity.

The original blog title was "Meteors Behaving Badly".... yep, these sure are. It's as if a few of them decided that this just wasn't the night to simply burn-up or crash to Earth afterall, and whoop, change of direction they went.

Maybe every meteor has a little Daemon riding it, and when they get coltish in their little aerolitic hearts, they say: What the Hell, I'm doing something else. {This last "theory" is Out Proctor in honor of our friend Kandinsky, who would like some non-UFO thinking on these whacky things}. {If I had a smiley emoticon available, this is where I'd insert it}.


  1. Haha!

    I'm honoured by the satirical mention and have a bigger smile than the absent emoticon.

    Despite being caught between a sceptical rock and some hard place Out Proctor, you always give me something to think about.

    As ever, all the best.

  2. Here we have what Charles Fort called "the merger with conventional phenomena." If you look at a good meteorite book, you'll see a number of therm that have quite odd shapes (e.g. a rough ring-shape). These are (in my memory) irons, but we may expect some odd stones falling, too. Shapes, of course, can be evanescent for meteors! Hynek remarked somewhere that there is aerodynamic behavior of meteors, and at least some meteoricists recognize it.

    Frank John Reid

    1. OK, Frank, but a sharp angled turn ain't no convergence with conventional phenomena. The deep plunge and then hard arc upward stretches that "aerodynamic flying" too. I wish old Allen was still about and we could grill him on just how far he'd go on some of his BS. Some "sailing" and skipping or what the Pentagon used to call "snaking", maybe. I'd give him that for those irons which have almost convex lens-like "bottom" surfaces where they've conformed to the air resistance during descent. That stuff would have to be rather non-horizontal too, I'd think, to have produced such surfaces in the first place --- but I'll admit profound ignorance on that last guess.

  3. Just to update a bit on this: The body of water on the right is Fellmere Pond, almost a mile away on the border of Medford and Malden MA. Trouvelot was looking out his window towards the north from his home in Medford at 27 Myrtle St. 144 years after this depiction, my house is about 2-3 miles north within the view shown. Trouvelot is better known for accidentally introducing the gypsy moth to the United States

  4. Hah!!! Gypsy Moths, eh?? Well, nobody's perfect.

  5. Barry G, I suppose Medford and Malden would be too no-east from the Bridgewater Triangle?

    ~ Susan B.

  6. Brownie, Yes, too far from there, though if I can find a few more stories for my hometown I could call it the "Stoneham Rectangle." We did have a mystery airship here in 1910 too.
