Sunday, May 18, 2014

Digging To The Core

I haven't been able to post anything recently so here's a little something at least. {my project to scan my files is now essentially over; approximately 6-7 full filing cabinets worth of resources scanned and about 11+ weeks work. Also, health intrudes in the form, I think, of an inner ear something-or-other causing much lightheadedness and feeling of low energy --- blood pressure, thankfully is OK}.

Due to the scanning project, somewhere around three thousand UFO case files having been passing through the field of vision over these 11 weeks and good and bad ideas come from that experience. The bad one is that the project has created a mess which now must be dealt with. The good one is that maybe it's time to make a pass at filtering out the gold from the dross, at least a little bit better.

So, I've started to assess the "three thousand" --- just the beginning. I'm going to begin with the Objects-at-a-distance category [what Hynek called "Daylight Disks", causing all sorts of borderline confusion, and what I label "Distant Objects" or "D" cases in my system. I've winnowed through my D-file and picked out around 50 cases, which I will ultimately present briefly.

But I need you to be patient as these take time to thumbnail-catalog, as you will see in the first group below. I'd also like your help. You, upon perusing these, might think: That one's not very good. If so, tell me why { please don't tell me why I'M not very good, I know all about that already. Let's stick with the cases. } Also, when I'm finished with a category, and your own favorite case isn't in there, tell me about it and why you like it. Maybe we can together winnow ever finer.

So, now, a few initial "D" cases. Just the thumbnails without much other comment by me. I realize that this is not much stimulation for comment yet, but I'm just trying to get started on what seems to be a long road.

.... and there are 15 to start. Here are a few "immodest"? statements:

The dates here are 1947-1952 [more '52 will come] and yet, in my immodest opinion, the "game" as to whether UFOs exist or not is already over. Each one of these cases is, to my eye when reading the full documents, "bulletproof" at least as to whether the observers were terrific, and their reports indicated strong reasons to believe that they were not experiencing conventional phenomena, either natural or artificial.

Secondly, there's a awful lot of peculiar messing around our balloon launches. The "itch" constantly affects me that the agency behind the UFO phenomenon WANTED in these early years to show itself to the very categories of people [pilots, missile engineers, plane designers, experimental balloon researchers] who would know with certainty that what they were watching was not these common things so familiar to them. It is as if "they" are establishing their reality, without giving up too much.

Thirdly, and this is just me being purely subjective: when I read these cases, I "feel clean." All the crud associated with the years of accumulating weirdness and nasty individuals and wasted interactions with people consciously or unconsciously bent on messing up the research and the thinking processes which could have some chance of moving forward a bit, all goes away. There, full in the light of day, are the UFOs, magnificently and clearly mysterious.

Well, sorry about that last "loss of cold objectivity", but it is real anyway.

I'll try to get another cluster of these "D" cases thumbnailed as soon as I have time and energy, and maybe we can experience more "clean clear marvels."

Till then, peace, folks.


  1. Keep up the excellent work - I hope you start feeling better soon.

  2. Is this another "WOW" signal? Great work. I have a fair idea of how much work has gone into this terrific effort. Keep well. This is important stuff. When you have the time, I would love to hear "the devil in the detail" of the methodology, processes, problems, issues, to assist in my own efforts to sort through my own files. Thanks for your fine work and best wishes from Oz.

    1. Hi Bill.

      The scanning project was completed by the confluence of four factors. 1). I personally was willing to put in a lot of hours preparing the individual files so that the materials within were close to ready to feed into the scanner; 2). I set aside $3000 to accomplish the project. The bulk of this went to "labor"; 3). I found the best workhorse fast scanner around, a Fujitsu ScanSnap desktop model. In buying this I went for high-quality machine construction rather than software bells and whistles, which are not important here. Cost: about $480 with tax; 4). {this is the only real tough one if the researcher is willing to do his prep role} I found a willing young person who needed a job and was very quiet, pleasant, and reliable, to come in on my schedule and open the prepped file folders or whatever, de-staple things, de-clip things, take care with fragile or small-sized things, put individual files in "cabinets" {labeled folders by category} on the computer, and soldier on.

      Eleven and a half weeks later, working about 20 hours a week, the nice young lady finished about thirty gigabytes of electronic storage {all my case files plus a large number of historically important topical areas.} When all is in the hands of our UFO History Group, you'll get either a flashdrive copy or given some access key to an internet site if you want it --- until we decide on some serious ethical issues on information-release, it will only be guys like you who get this. Gradually the circle will expand until reaching universality once we discuss this rationally and morally.

      Go for it on your files, big fella.

    2. Thanks Mike, this was more or less what I divined in emails & your blog posts. My current scanner is a basic one as part of my existing printer, but fortunately I have a close Fortean friend who is a technological & new gadget guy so when I'm ready I'm sure he will have the latest gadget to lend for the task. We have already done some limited projects already. I have some parties who would be up to the labour tasks and would be trustworthy to do a good job on a paid part time basis. I look forward to viewing this material, not only for the content but for the various organisation strategies, so that the various archive efforts don't become too idiosyncratic.

  3. would very much like to hear your opinion on the HCMS destroyer Iroquois sighting 1952

    This is an account of a sighting of flying saucers that I saw when travelling from Pearl Harbour, Hawaii to Guam in the Canadian Destroyer H.M.C.S. Iroquois in May 1952. The ship left Pearl Harbour around 1800 [6 PM] and proceeded on a westerly course at about 14 knots. I was the Officer of the watch on the bridge, having taken over the watch at 2400 [midnight]. The ship was in three watches and proceeding under normal routine conditions. There was a thin layer of mist overhead; the stars were not visible. The temperature was warm and there was no wind.

    At about 0100, I saw a single white light on the port bow at about 30 degrees elevation at a visual estimated range of about a mile. It moved from right to left at a rapid rate. It had a halo around it due to the mist. I assumed it to be a low flying aircraft. It did not appear on the Sperry Navigational radar. The air defence radar was not in service due to a major maintenance routine. I thought it unusual to see a low flying aircraft which at this time was about 100 miles from Hawaii. There were no military aircraft listed on the operational schedule for this area.

    A short time later another light appeared from the same direction, passing at high speed. It was not picked up on the navigational radar either, which was not surprising as the radar detection lobe covers the surface but not the sky. By now the mist had dissipated and the sky was clear.

    These two incidents were not similar to subsequent sightings. They are recorded only to give a complete picture of events.

    At about 0200 I saw the first of many strange lights in the sky. The vast majority were in formation, usually quarter line, and all appeared on the port side [toward the south]. Many were in groups of three, some in groups of five or six. They appeared and disappeared instantly, at the same speed a computer screen operates.

    Suddenly one of these objects appeared at close range on our port bow at a low elevation. It was disc shaped and consisted of a very bright light with black windows running around the whole side which was visible to us. It maintained perfect station on us for at least fifteen minutes. I scanned the object with binoculars attempting to see into the windows but saw nothing. I counted the windows and recall there were about two dozen. They were very large and close together and completely black. Although the body of the object glowed very brightly, it did not prevent me from looking directly at it. The object appeared more oval in shape than round.

    And then suddenly it was gone. There was no sound made at any time. There were still some objects visible far off on the port side. They also had disappeared by 0300.

    1. Quite interesting. Pacific was rather full of UFOs in 1952. Two months earlier, SECNAV Dan Kimball's plane was buzzed by one in the same area you're talking about. I'm thumbnailing that case, coincidentally, in the next set. The big deal in your case is, of course, the instant vanishment. THAT'S high strangeness indeed.

  4. Somehow I understand a little bit about what it feels like to be in the place of those guys who stay at nuclear facilities and report UFO interference on the equipment. I had a case last year which I suspect was the same phenomenom.
    During the first half of the year I had bought a laser pointer to use with my telescope and software at the notebook. According to the manufacturer we could use the laser to point at stars in the night to practice sutdy positioning, etc...
    So,after looking at the stars, I decided to flash the beam at the dark sky using morse code every night during one week. Well, the results were disturbing to me. In the next week the gate of the building, weighing more than 1 ton, was activated at 2-3 a.m. and opened completely to the street. It never happened before, but even so I thought it was due to some kind of common interference of electric or magnetic nature.
    However it was not. After this, in the next week at 2 to 3 am I looked through the window from the third floor and saw a disc shaped shadow, with the size of a car moving perfectly aligned with the center of the street. The object had constant, low speed and it was totally silent. The light of the streetlights just disappeared inside that disc and the shape of the shadow never deformed nor changed shades like a common shadow would do.
    The "thing" moved 300 meters and disappeared behind a wall.
    The whole episode took the average short time os such apparitions of round about 30 seconds. The street was deserted at this time and only I was up late. Therefore I think that something was wandering the lonely streets and showing these events. I never repeated the experience, for once is enough for now. The only thing I regret is that many months later I remembered that I could have recovered the video file from the cameras at the building (laughing). It took me such a long time to remember because I didn't know that the patterns had a chance of being related. By the time I did the files had already been automatically deleted.

    1. If what you are telling happened just as you're saying, then that is about a creepy a thing as I've heard.

    2. I have to admit that after this episode I went to a store and bought a big padlock to use at the gate during the night. Although I am not sure what good it would do if things got really strange it helps us to think that it could avoid having to go alone again in complete darkness downstairs (3 floors with empty apartments), feeling the gust of cold wind and taking a chance to close the garage gate mannually (and perhaps meeting a "grey someone" on the way down hidden there "chills at the spine"). There were mixed feelings of fear and curiosity.
      Truth be said, maybe those months could be considered as "high activity" once that at the same time of the year 4-5 people including my sister, a family friend and a retired sheperd from the local Baptist church talked about feeling strong invisible presences inside the building with opinions ranging from spiritual causes to tricksters and fairies (like kids seeing blond people). It looks like something coming from the Magonia texts from your blog (a chaos of odd happenings walking together and spreading). Fortunately, this year is being much more peaceful (thanks to God we can sleep).
