Sunday, July 13, 2014


Let's look at another coincidence....

Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, 1974.
This seems to be a fairly good case. Like the last blog's coincidence case, the witnesses are young boys, but this case is buttressed by not only instant telling of the story to their various parents, but the next day visit to the alleged landing site and the discovery there [by an independent neighbor lady] of a strange trace. The trace was ultimately tested by scientists at Simon Fraser University and the UFO fieldwork done by a veteran UFOlogist, and published in an unsung excellent UFO journal, The Canadian UFO Report. Bondarchuk, who in my mind is a pretty discriminating author, also chose to include it in his book, UFO Canada. So, credibility seems OK.

Three young boys [oldest 10] were walking with a pet cat through woods nearby their homes. The cat suddenly went bonkers, ran a few feet and then dropped down as if dead. [it wasn't; perhaps it was employing some survival instinct, or maybe it was KO'd somehow.] At this same instant the boys heard  an irritating buzzing sound.

Just above the nearby trees was a metallic circular object with red, green, and white lights flashing. As it descended, the noise was so loud that they had to cover their ears. The cat recovered about then, ran back to the boys and clawed one of them until he picked it up. [this clawing was still visible on the kid when the fieldworker investigated.] The disk wobbled as it descended and extended three "landing pods". The sand in the pit beneath it swirled violently even reaching the boys and covering them with fine debris. [this despite them being more than 100 feet away.] The kids reported seeing "blue sparks" [static electric discharge??] emerging from the ground as the thing touched down.

The kids then bolted and ran to their homes, crashing in to hysterically tell their parents what had happened. None of the parents took them seriously enough, despite the emotions, to do anything, but the next day a more supportive neighbor lady did. She went with the boys to the site and found a set of tripod indentations plus three circular deposits of chalky white, smooth-to-the-touch powdery material which, when rubbed by the fingers, numbed them. [Hip UFO researchers take note.]

As time proceeded, both Simon Fraser University and the UFO researchers were brought in. Conway [above] nailed down the various stories and witness descriptions/drawings, while the SFU scientists tested the trace soil. Bennett [above], a nuclear technician at SFU, could not explain how carbonized debris could have gotten dispersed throughout the "chalky" sample without very intensely focussed heat --- his own attempts to use similar soils and heat treatments to mimic the result failed.

The coincidence here is of course Delphos Kansas 1971. The Delphos ring trace was composed of white chalky material, smooth-to-the-touch, which was initially numbing to the fingers/skin. This effect was temporary in both cases, i.e. if you touched the material a week or so later, its ability to affect the skin had gone. But if you had touched it while "fresh", it took about a week and a half for the irritation to stop. {the lady in BC said "more than a week", while Mrs. Johnson of Delphos said "about two weeks."}

So what's up?? The Port Coquitlam has helped me take Delphos more seriously. Despite having made quite an effort to study Delphos, I've always had more reluctancy about it than most of my buddies. Why? The only real Delphos percipient, Ronnie Johnson, was not [in my opinion] at all an ideal witness {his parents only saw a distant light in the sky when he called them outside.} Because the trace testing --- the most testing done on any UFO case in history --- never seemed to definitively anchor on a solid hypothesis, I never got comfortable with what had happened.

I'd fought the Delphos thing hammer and tong to try to get a little illumination out of it. My intuitions concentrated on the mysterious numbing trace --- what chemical compound might be labile enough to be formed by odd intense radiations of some sort, then persist temporarily as an acid or caustic irritant, but, owing to its lability, disintegrate fairly rapidly in normal environmental conditions? You can see above one of my old scratch sheets with me speculating, amateurishly, on the possible formation of Oxalic Acid from amounts of CO2 and H2O under confined intense forces and "dropping" [dusting downward] from the undersurface of the Delphos craft.

I'm not goose enough to think that Port Coquitlam helps my Oxalic Acid theory, but it may well move Delphos itself closer to full believability. So, possibly, is the value of noticing "coincidence."

Till next one. Peace.

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