El Castenuelo Spain is another "4". Here a 7 1/2 foot tall "refrigerator" object was sitting at the edge of a road, mounted on four legs. It had "windows" in each of its bottom corners. It buzzed and had a non-dispersing "cloud" hanging overhead. A farmer carrying a heavy sack approached, but when still 180 feet away became paralyzed [as did his dog and the nearby goats]. Most oddly, the sack that he was carrying seemed to lose its feeling of having any weight. When the craft/object lifted off and flew away, the paralysis left and the weight of the sack returned. Curious business that.
The last "4" is Kempsey NSW. This was in the midst of a general flap in the area. It is, for me, the weirdest of the incidents, though whether it counts as CE2p is questionable. Since it's too much fun to ignore though, I include it. The witness saw a pink "flare" move down the river and later saw a "face" in his kitchen window. [he must have made some startled noise as his wife came out to see the next act half way through]. He then was pulled by unknown force through the glass window and hurled about 12-feet total into the yard, landing in a crumple. The landing was strangely "soft" however as if broken abnormally by that force. The wife rushed out to find him running and then squatting down sobbing with fear. His only physical injuries were cuts from flying through the breaking glass. This is another well investigated Ozzie case [Bill Chalker sent me a report review], and probably is a solid one despite its weird character. The artistic rendering of the case appears at the bottom of this post.
Lots of oddball details in all these things. Different shaped craft/machines or no machines at all. Entities or none. Disks, lights, and refrigerators. When we strip these ,in my opinion, details-of-legerdemain away, there will be a pile of "paralyzers", of "burners", of "noisy irritators", and a vast framing obfuscation of anything one can pile on. Onwards.

I wonder if there has ever been any sort of graph of things/processes/forms etc cataloged in a visual form? All the strangeness sort of overwhelms. but my gut feeling is that there is an evolving (or at least changing thereof) of the 'stage sets'...seems for while there were lost of reports of 'soil samples' being taken but then maybe that is just because there is not as much grunt work being done...One is tempted to say that there is so much cultural static that it is hard to pick signal from noise...but then I think it's not even clear what is the signal and what is the noise!!
ReplyDeleteWell, your intuitions are at least partly serving you well. The task of trying to "surround" the changing "visuals" of the field is almost impossible for a variety of reasons. The most important of these is that the distinguishing between signal from noise is very difficult. My whole "career" has been trying to get around this problem by seeing if I could determine clusters of phenomenology based upon anchor cases and buttressed by a larger set of probably good ones.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, ones choice of which aspect of the phenomenology to research is a moment of fun, but leads quickly to the awareness that their were a very large number of other choices one could have made. Being only one person, and most of us truly working alone, the task of a comprehensive listing, grouping, and evaluating of UFO case characteristics becomes unthinkable.
Thirdly, the phenomenology is so numerous and so widespread geographically, that thoughts of anything like a "complete set" are impossible, and thoughts that some phenomenology might be almost completely missed [due to it not cooperating and showing up mainly in media and investigator-poor parts of the world] arise easily. So each of us does what we can in the hopes that someone will use our poor incomplete bricks to build a better ontological structure for this field.
Every few years or so, some energetic person comes into the field wondering what can be done. Most of us suggest that they take a specific of some kind and become expert on it {Feindt's Water cases are one of the best recently]. We trudge on, knowing that we are too small for the size of the task.