These are the last of this set of fifteen [#s 116-120]. 1976-1977 era. There are three pretty strong cases here, including a "6". Once these are logged here, we will still be about 40 or so short of the complete set in the files. I haven't done any of those yet, so they will leak out when they can. But today we have a great "paralysis" case [one that I consider an "anchor"], and an almost as great Timmerman Files case. [A spectacular effect on the mind].

I'll start with the Timmerman files case [Shelby OH, 1977]. Two women are in the elder woman's home when they see bright lights headed towards the house. The younger of the two takes one of the dogs and goes outside; the elder watches from within. The lights are on an oval craft, very technological in form [bolts and all], which moves slowly overhead. At that time its lights go out and one could hear a soft whirring noise. The dog, usually fairly brave, panics and cringes and whines. The woman thinks that her old former dog would have never done that just as she receives a terrific head pain which drives her to her knees. Then, as if in a condensed portrayal of the past, her entire set of memories of her old dog flash through her mind. It was as if a whole interlinked part of her memory bank simultaneously fired. When she shortly recovered, she had a screaming headache which lasted for days. The elderly woman inside watched this and the UFO cross over the house and to the neighbors across the street. Shortly it moved away entirely. The big question in this case is whether the flash memory package was deliberate or accidental. We of course cannot say. My hypothesis is, for what it's worth, that the radiant force from the object excited her brain which was thinking about that dog at the time. A "overload" of some sort occurred and the whole associated memory suite rose to consciousness. Thus, my guess is that this effect was accidental. But....

The Spanish AFB case has very high strangeness. What separates it [and cases from certain other countries] from cases out of Brazil or some other Latin American venues, is that there are several competent researchers in the country whose work is known to the core UFOlogy community [and myself]. Something like Talavera, therefore, comes with a bit more "street cred". The case is fairly well-known. It involves a bright "flaring" of light, a loud whistle, and a localized whirlwind. Soldier-guards were alerted by these. Now the movie.... a ten foot tall lightform humanoid in shape, but composed of sparkling points of light, suddenly manifested, scaring both soldiers and dog. The dog whimpers but the soldiers, naturally in the time-honored human tendency to shoot first and question later, draw beads with their rifles. One soldier is paralyzed, grows weak, and collapses. The other two fire away. The "being", if that's what it is, simply vanishes. The downed soldier is hospitalized temporarily feeling weak and unable to see. These rare cases always bring to my mind the concept of some extraterrestrial experimenters way-out-there somewhere who are trying out their new space-warping technology, and who almost but not quite have gotten it right. We see these odd cases which look like temporary "intrusions" now and then, always with a slightly different technological appearance. Perhaps there are a lot of high-tech "garage geniuses" out there.

Cotile Lake LA, the anchor: This case has three witnesses, an outstandingly tight story with two other corroborating persons, and personal interviews by Allen Hynek. The credibility aspect thereby is quite strong. The "strangeness" isn't Talavera-high, but plenty good enough for a UFO --- AND it fits our patterns. A family friend and the family's two daughters were hauling camping equipment back to the truck after a fun trip [Mom and Dad were going in the opposite direction to get another load.] A very elaborate technological disk floated overhead. It is emitting "soft vibrations" which the threesome seemed to feel in their chests. Then the craft shot down laser-like blue beams, which hit the witnesses and surrounded them with a glow. They were paralyzed with the exception of their eyes an very slow head movement. The points of the beams were at their solar plexuses [plexi?]. The craft slowly then drifted away, shut the beams down, and the paralysis left. None of the witnesses was any the worse for wear. As I have said, I like this case very much, as it has very high credibility [in my judgement] and a solid story with plenty of detail [see picture, for example --- one witness was an artist] and perfectly coherent aspects as far as CE2ps are concerned.

But now I have to turn from Dr. Jekyl into Mr. Hyde and say some very unpopular things. What is worse about this is that I can't "prove" what I'm going to say, even in the very soft sense that the word is used when talking about the anomalies. What I'm referencing are the [unending] sequence of claims which began around this time in the area of northeastern Brazil [Colares et al] and which continue to this day.
This is the "attacking UFOs" stuff of that region which has accelerated in strangeness until it is now utterly interwoven with deaths, savage mauling, and "chupracabras". The first picture here is of an alleged burn mark caused by a UFO firing a heat laser at a peasant who then went to the government hospital station for treatment, telling his story.

This second picture is supposedly of a woman who was shot by another UFO in the jungle. These cases are supposed to be legion and entirely hostile and arbitrarily violent. I suppose that it is possible that something once went on in this area, but mainly I don't believe hardly any of it. Well, why not? Haven't prominent UFO writers gone there and "documented" it? Gone there, yes. Documented? Not to my satisfaction. I'm blowing a lot of smoke here folks, so take this with full crap detectors up.
My troubles with this business are several. Firstly, the claims here of arbitrary continual violent acts are utter outliers as far as the credible case files [worldwide] that I have been associated with. Secondly, I feel that no credible UFO researcher [and Pratt and Vallee are VERY credible to me] has
really researched this. Going to an established "anomalistic situation" without personal language skills, and with a basic suitcase-and-drop-in-for-a-while approach, leaves one open to a great deal of bad information in my book. Thirdly, a hypothesis that the local UFOlogist/guide might not be really trustworthy is at least feasible, as is the idea that this "I was attacked in the jungle" story might have evolved over time as an effective way to get some special care from a sympathetic health professional. Such gimmicks spread quickly among people when successful. Lastly, somewhere in my files is a report from the Brazilian military [from this early time period] of investigating a series of lights/UFOs cases in this region, doing lots of interviews, and none of this sort of thing arose. OK, no proof there. My views are unpopular on this, but they are honestly my own. The main thing is that I have deliberately tried to find credible "hostile act" type UFO cases anywhere and the cupboard is basically bare. With apologies to Pratt, Vallee, and everyone else, I just don't see this as legit.

Hello Prof, I'm going to sorely miss these CE2 posts when you finish; they've been far and away the most enjoyable collection of thoughts and cases in recent months.
ReplyDeleteThe Talavera report immediately called to mind a similar incident from Brazil in 1957. According to FSR V6, N1, a fortress was buzzed by an orange UFO at 2am. The guards were alarmed and went out to see what it was. As they observed, it came closer to them and they were suddenly brought down by a searing heat. As the night passed, all the power went out in the fortress and apparent confusion and panic reigned. The account caught my imagination although I haven't checked out the authenticity yet.
I enjoy reading the South American cases as they are so distinctive in theme from North American and European reports. Also, there's an element of social/cultural interpretation at play in how they are discussed 'north of the border.' For example, the recently discussed Damon case involved two country deputies racing at '110mph' away from a UFO. If locations were changed and it was two country Brazilian deputies, how many people would harbour suspicions of a panicking peasantry? Similarly, the Stephensville sightings are taken seriously by some, but a similar event in the favelas of Sao Paulo would be more readily dismissed as the uneducated masses being panicked by a light aircraft. Perhaps I exaggerate, but geography and class play a part in the discussion of these reports.
In terms of the Colares incidents, it's amongst my favourite cases. Any serious research from the period could only shed more light on the authenticity and accuracy of the accounts and it's likely too late now. In some aspects, Bob Pratt was viewed with suspicion and perhaps wouldn't have had much success in uncovering more detail. As a Frenchman, Vallee may have been more acceptable? Regardless, the core incidents of multiple UFO sightings are supported by Hollanda's reports, sketches and the team's photos. The Operation Prato case files were released in 2007 and were missing several hundred images and a couple of rolls of film that were listed. Of the images that remain, a few are interesting although slightly contaminated by the 2010 claims of Sergeant João Flávio de Freitas Costa' son that he tampered with some of them as a prank. His claims are apocryphal, don't identify which ones and refer only to 'some.' It's a weak testimony, but has to be considered. Also, if such reports were taken by US military investigators, would they be taken more seriously? I suspect so...
continued next post...
The more unusual aspects are still intriguing. 'Chupa-chups' entering homes and zapping people in the chest is unusual, regional and rarely repeated ever since. Of those supporting the claims, Hollanda and the local doctor Cecim-Carvallho(sp?) are on record as seeing and treating such burn marks. The doctor described a male patient dying some days after being 'zapped' for raising a rifle at one of the UFOs....unable to treat him, he was moved to the general hospital at Belem and expired. She described symptoms occurring in several patients that sound like the effects of radiation seen in other notable cases....hair loss, lethargy and redness. Originally, I viewed the described events as seriously hostile. In recent months, that certainty has diminished.
ReplyDeleteThe credibility given to the collection of reports associated with Colares is as interesting as the claims. Carvallho was a doctor and stands by her statements. Hollanda became a colonel and also stood by the core elements of the reports. Unfortunately, his account was added to in the early 2000s and included an encounter with a 'being.' Naturally, this needn't indicate a false account, but has to be considered in the big picture. His suicide has been mendaciously construed to have been an outcome of these events in 1977. If these alleged events were recorded by army, air force and medical staff in a US, Canadian or European location would this be a 'best evidence' case?
It retains my interest for all these factors and probably a few more. Sadly, I'm also acutely aware of the silly cases and people like Jaime Maussan inciting hoaxes and hysteria that encourage distrust of South American reports.
Very interesting and welcome commentary. The case/cases is/are so out of the norm for UFOs though, that I am forced to say [internally] that it will take a serious personal literature study to get me to move much on these incidents ... and I'm not sure that I have the time [and certainly not the resources here in Wheeling] to do so. With help from comments like your own, however, I can at least keep this generally in the gray basket.
ReplyDeleteIn the spirit of honesty/accuracy, my reply was made from memory and has bugged me a little since. The man who allegedly raised a rifle at a UFO later recovered. Instead, it was an elderly lady who was transferred to Belem hospital and died.
ReplyDeleteLeaving such errors to stand just encourages the nonsense. My apologies...
No Sweat; this business is a lot more complicated than one or two incidents, and will take some heroic effort for someone to unravel.
ReplyDeleteHello again, I hope you are well and the back's not calling the shots too much. A friend recently reminded me of an interview with Colonel Hollanda and it crossed my mind that you might also find it interesting.
ReplyDeleteHis overall conclusions conform to your own in that he was assured *they* meant no harm. His description of a craft passing overhead and in particular, the sound, is evocative.
All the best
First, dont take this post as an offense as it is not intended
ReplyDelete"and Pratt and Vallee are VERY credible to me"
Jacques Vallee mentioned that he was invited to a private military base (with other brazilian UFOlogist) and he never divulge all he seen in there (in relation of the Colares Case). The document released by Brazilian Military regarding Colares case are very interesting and compared to other UFO cases its very very detailed (observer are brazilian military personel). I wish you wouldnt be so quick in dismissing the case just because its 'not researched enough' while forgetting the mountains of official brazilian military documents released regarding the case.
"The main thing is that I have deliberately tried to find credible "hostile act" type UFO cases anywhere and the cupboard is basically bare"
There are UFO cases with hostility from the entities, maybe not from US Cases but certainly a lot of cases from South American regions. Unless one cherry-pick cases that match one's opinion about UFO and its occupants. As a comparison, some people believed Roswell UFO crash even without any other real 'crashed saucer case' anywhere else.. and the amount of released photo/document evidence from colares crash are way more than roswell's..
"somewhere in my files is a report from the Brazilian military [from this early time period] of investigating a series of lights/UFOs cases in this region"
as Kadinsky said, not all material from Colares military documents and photos are released as of today. There are reason the military do not release all of them, J.Vallee indicates that it may be to prevent unnecessary panic and hysteria. The released documents and photos make this case a very high quality case , compared to US/EUR UFO cases (at least until the goverment released all those photos they keep).
"Thirdly, a hypothesis that the local UFOlogist/guide might not be really trustworthy is at least feasible, as is the idea that this "I was attacked in the jungle" story might have evolved over time as an effective way to get some special care from a sympathetic health professional. Such gimmicks spread quickly among people when successful"
isnt this the same with Roswell case ? where an incident hyped to the point that its now unrecognizeable and now a myth/folklore/talltales ? Roswell are one of the most successful gimmicks of modern ufology, see how many books/video/lecture spawn from it..
To respond to this would require a major project and blog entry; not worth it to me. I am forced to merely state that I am not cherry-picking cases [pretty offensive comment] but have worked pretty hard at trying to find deliberate unprovoked violence cases outside of abduction claims. The NE Brazil stuff stands alone as a possible situation. My own readings about the preliminaries to the explosion of claims there indicates the possibility of a few key persons misinterpreting the whole thing. We'll agree to disagree on that. Your Roswell remarks are not relevant to this situation and serve only to create unneeded noise when trying to focus on something to achieve more clarity. I will never understand why people do that.